What ????? :D have you known how a computer work ? How does the Computer Read the data and information ? If no, please read more..
according to me, Computer is stupid. Why ?? They can’t even count past one. They use a number base called binary which only has two digits. This article explains how binary works and how computers use it.
Computer hardware can only recognize two things – if the circuit is charged, the value of that circuit is 1. If the circuit is not charged, the value of that circuit is 0. Binary has only two digits, so computers use binary to line up with the charged/uncharged circuits. Each computer has billions and billions of these circuits in its memory, organized in a way to keep track of very large numbers and very complex calculations.
Before covering binary, a review of decimal will help us understand the basics of number bases.
The decimal number base
Decimal is a base ten numbering system. Another way to say that is decimal uses a number base of ten. This means that there are ten possible numbers or digits in the system, including 0. We probably used base ten centuries ago because we have ten fingers. In fact, another word for finger is digit.
To count in decimal, you start with 0. Every time you increment (add one to) the number you use another digit. This works great until you run out of digits.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ???
At that point, you reset the digit by making it 0 again and increment the digit left of the original digit. Now the rightmost digit starts over again.
... 9 10 11 ...
It may help to add a zero to the left of each digit, to illustrate this.
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
Keep incrementing the rightmost number until you get to 19. Then the same thing happens, the 9 is reset to 0 again and the 1 is incremented (becomes a 2).
... 18 19 20 ...
Every time the rightmost digit runs out of numbers, it is reset and the digit left of it is incremented. If that digit is at the highest number, it is reset and the digit to its left is incremented. This continues until one digit can just be incremented. You can keep counting like this until you get tired of counting.
00 01 02 ... 09 10 11 ... 19 20 21 ... 98 99 100 101 ... (man, this is getting boring) ... 109 110 ... 998 999 1000 1001 ... and so on to infinity.
The base n number base
Armed with the understanding of how decimal works, you should now be able to count using any number base you choose. Let’s take three for example. How would you count in base three? You would have three digits, 0, 1 and 2. So here’s 0 through 10 in base three.
000 = 0
001 = 1
002 = 2
010 = 3
011 = 4
012 = 5
020 = 6
021 = 7
022 = 8
100 = 9
101 = 10
The binary number base
With that background, we can look at binary. There are only two digits in binary, 0 and 1. You count the same way, but you run out of digits very quickly.
00 01 10 11 100 ...
Here is binary from 0 to 10.
0000 = 0
0001 = 1
0010 = 2
0011 = 3
0100 = 4
0101 = 5
0110 = 6
0111 = 7
1000 = 8
1001 = 9
1010 = 10
So that is how computers count. They use a very simple numbering system called binary, that only has two digits.
So, what about you ???
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Betul tuh sob, emang yang pintar itu ya orang yang programkan komputer ya ngak ?
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